Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yellow bell

Scientific name: Allamandra cathartica Linn
Tagalog : Kampanilya
English : Yellow Bell

Allamanda, also known as the yellow bell flower or the golden trumpet, is a tropical shrub or vine. The plant is native to Brazil and has rich green foliage and bright yellow blooms. Vines are extremely sensitive to inappropriate growing conditions and require specific care to thrive. The Allamanda is not to be confused with Tecoma stans or the Fritillaria pudica, which are referred to commonly as "yellowbells." The bright yellow flowers on the Allamanda vine have overlapping petals that create a trumpet shape, and can have a diameter of up to 5 inches. Flowers come into bloom in groups of two or three which come from the tip of stem growth.

Medicinal Uses

  • The Allamanda has been used by herbalists to treat a number of conditions including jaundice, malaria and constipation. It has also proven to have antibiotic properties effective against staphylococcus.

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